
I'm looking for an flink documentation which addresses/documents the comparison 
of Remote functions/Embedded/Data Stream.

I'm presently exploring Flink Remote State-fun functions and looking for a 
clarity on the following:

  1.  send_egress - Is there a way to get a callback registered to get ack/fail 
if message is published to Kafka or not ?
  2.  Does State-fun supports exactly-once for Kafka Egress ? ( I got duplicate 
records with this [cid:ee0fb95f-b723-437c-b2f9-10f69f860d23] )
  3.  If Kafka (egress) is down/un-reachable then how is this handled by Flink 
? ( retries or messages are dropped ? )
  4.  When backpressure occurs Flink restarts as checkpoints start to fail. I 
tried unalligned checkpoint but got this : Invalid configuration: 
execution.checkpointing.unaligned; StateFun currently does not support 
unaligned checkpointing
  7.  Also does Datastream API or Embedded will also have similar issues ?


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