Yep, I agree with that, but I guess losing the first-class citizen status
within Flink will make many companies currently in doubt finally adopt
Java. For non-FP shops or companies without a strong command of Scala,
using Java will simplify things in general and avoid some unnecessary pains
(hiring & training). Although possible, IMO using Scala without the
required serialization support for its specific types nor a nice API
wrapper feels a bit artificial and awkward, especially once Java 17 is
supported, and I don't think it is worth it for most cases.


On 2022/10/05 19:26:49 David Anderson wrote:
> I want to clarify one point here, which is that modifying jobs written in
> Scala to use Flink's Java API does not require porting them to Java. I can
> readily understand why folks using Scala might rather use Java 17 than
> 11, but sticking to Scala will remain an option even if Flink's Scala API
> goes away.
> For more on this, see [1] and some of the examples it points to, such as
> those in [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 6:16 PM Clayton Wohl <> wrote:
> > +1
> >
> > At my employer, we maintain several Flink jobs in Scala. We've been
> > writing newer jobs in Java, and we'd be fine with porting our Scala jobs
> > over to the Java API.
> >
> > I'd like to request Java 17 support. Specifically, Java records is a
> > feature our Flink code would use a lot of and make the Java syntax much
> > nicer.
> >

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