I had a Flink 1.15.1 job configured with


that was failing with the following error
Sink: Committer (2/2)#732 (36640a337c6ccdc733d176b18adab979) switched from
INITIALIZING to FAILED with failure cause: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Failed to commit KafkaCommittable{producerId=4521984, epoch=0,
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException: Invalid value
 for configuration transactional.id: String must be non-empty

that happened after the first checkpoint was triggered. The strange thing
about it is that the `KafkaSinkBuilder` was used without calling
`setDeliverGuarantee`, and hence the default delivery guarantee was
expected to be used, which is `NONE` [1].

Is that even possible to start with? Shouldn't kafka transactions be
involved only when one follows [this recipe] [2]:

 * <p>One can also configure different {@link DeliveryGuarantee} by using
 * #setDeliverGuarantee(DeliveryGuarantee)} but keep in mind when using
 * DeliveryGuarantee#EXACTLY_ONCE} one must set the transactionalIdPrefix
 * #setTransactionalIdPrefix(String)}.

So, in my case, without calling `setDeliverGuarantee` (nor
`setTransactionalIdPrefix`), I cannot understand why I was seeing these
errors. To avoid the problem, I temporarily changed the checkpointing
settings to


but I'd like to understand what was happening.


FYI I've also posted this in SO here:

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