
The resource lifecycle state is currently not shown explicitly in the

You are confusing it with reconciliation status. At the moment you can only
get this through the Java client:


This seems to be a very common request so we should probably expose this
field directly in the status, even though it could technically be derived
from other fields.

Could you please open a jira ticket for this improvement?


On Fri, 9 Dec 2022 at 05:46, Edgar H <kaotix...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Morning all,
> Recently been testing the Flink k8s operator (flink.apache.org/v1beta1)
> and although the jobs do startup and run perfectly fine, their status in
> ArgoCD is not yet as it should be, some details:
> When describing the flinkdeployment I'm currently trying to test, the
> follows appears in events:
>   Type    Reason         Age   From                  Message
>   ----    ------         ----  ----                  -------
>   Normal  Submit         22m   JobManagerDeployment  Starting deployment
>   Normal  StatusChanged  21m   Job                   Job status changed
>   Normal  StatusChanged  20m   Job                   Job status changed
> On top of it, the reconciliation timestamp and the state are as follows:
>     Reconciliation Timestamp:  1670581014190
>     State:                     DEPLOYED
> From what I've read in the docs, the flinkdeployment is not considered
> healthy until that state: STABLE, right?
>    - DEPLOYED : The resource is deployed/submitted to Kubernetes, but
>    it’s not yet considered to be stable and might be rolled back in the future
>    - STABLE : The resource deployment is considered to be stable and
>    won’t be rolled back
> The jobs have been running for some hours already, one of them would throw
> some exceptions but won't cause downtime. What does it take for the job to
> be in STABLE state rather than just DEPLOYED? Would that be the cause of
> the Processing... health status in ArgoCD or just that internally in k8s
> the flinkoperator can't really notice the pods running well?

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