
I was trying to write alternative of query (for example)

FROM t1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN t2 as t2
ON t1.fk = t2.key
AND t1.proctime
    t2.proctime - INTERVAL ...
    t2.proctime + INTERVAL ...

on DataStreams API but I found that interval join (in DataStreams API) does
not support left/full joins.

So I'm trying to understand the difference between interval join in
DataStreams API and SQL API to write my custom CoProcess realization. If I
create timers for messages waiting for a pair in the case of a left join,
will this not entail problems with waiting for all registered timers to
fire during checkpoints?

P.S. Maybe you can send the internals of SQL interval join implementation
in Java/Scala.


Best Regards,
Vladislav Keda

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