Hello everyone,

I have a Standalone Custer running in a docker-swarm with a very simple 
docker-compose configuration [3].  When I run my job there with a parallelism 
greater than one, I get an out of memory error. Nothing out of the ordinary, so 
I wanted to increase the JVM heap. I did that by setting 
‘taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size’ according to [1]. However the taskmanager 
would not start, throwing an Exception saying that this configuration clashes 
with the configured total process memory - even though I had not configured 
that at all. Due to this, I could also not set the total Flink memory. 
Now I wonder, why did the TM tell me that the total process memory is already 
configured? Also, in [2]  I read that the cluster should not even start when 
neither total Flink memory nor total process memory are specified - which, as 
you can see in my configuration, I have not done [3]. 

Maybe someone can enlighten me, why it looks like I can’t configure the memory 
properly? Thanks :)




[3] The compose configuration: 

    image: flink:1.16.0
    command: jobmanager
      - |
        jobmanager.rpc.address: jobmanager

    image: flink:1.16.0
      - jobmanager
    command: taskmanager
      - |
        jobmanager.rpc.address: jobmanager
        taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 2

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