When I submit jobs to flink using version 1.9.3 those jobs are visible in
YARN resource manager Web UI , but when I use flink version 1.10.1  jobs
running in flink are not visible in the Web UI , So in order to check where
the issue is raising , I started replacing flink 1.10.1  folders  with
flink 1.9.3 then , I get to know that lib folder can one jar file named
flink_dist which is responsible , to make  the jobs running in the flink
visible in YARN resource manager. So my question here is Can I use the
flink_dist jar of version 1.9.3 in place of  flink_dist 1.10.1 , if not can
anyone please give me clarity what configuration changes should i do in
order to make jobs running visible in YARN resource manager Web UI with
Flink version 1.10.1. [ I observed that while I am using flink 1.9.3 it is
starting a yarn-session and I can see logs related to that and when using
flink 1.10.1 there are no logs related to yarn-session are visible.]

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