Hi Giannis,

Except “default” Colume Family(CF), all other CFs represent the state
in rocksdb state backend, the name of a CF is the name of a

- deduplicate-state is a value state, you can find it in
DeduplicateFunctionBase.java and
MiniBatchDeduplicateFunctionBase.java, they are used for
- _timer_state/event_user-timers, _timer_state/event_timers ,
_timer_state/processing_timers and _timer_state/processing_user-timers
 are created by internal time service, which can be found in
InternalTimeServiceManagerImpl.java. Here is a blog post[1] on best
practices for using timers.
- timer, next-index, left and right can be found in
TemporalRowTimeJoinOperator.java, TemporalRowTimeJoinOperator
implements the logic of temporal join, this post[2] might be helpful
in understanding what happened to temporal join.


Giannis Polyzos <ipolyzos...@gmail.com> 于2023年4月26日周三 23:19写道:
> I have two input kafka topics - a compacted one (with upsert-kafka) and a 
> normal one.
> When I perform a temporal join I notice the following state being created in 
> rocksdb and was hoping someone could help me better understand what 
> everything means
> > deduplicate-state: does it refer to duplicate keys found by the 
> > kafka-upsert-connector?
> > timers: what timer and _timer_state/event_timers refer to and whats their 
> > difference? Is it to keep track on when the join results need to be 
> > materialised or state to be expired?
> > next-index: what does it refer to?
> > left: also I'm curious why the left cf has 407 entries. Is it records that 
> > are being buffered because there is no match on the right table?
> Thanks


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