Hi, Stephen. Welcome to join Flink Slack channel. Here's my invitation link: https://join.slack.com/t/apache-flink/shared_invite/zt-1y7kmx7te-zUg1yfLdGu3Th9En_p4n~g
Best regards, Yuxia 发件人: "Stephen Chu" <stephen....@glean.com> 收件人: "User" <user@flink.apache.org> 抄送: "Satyam Shanker" <satyam.shan...@glean.com>, "Vaibhav Gosain" <vaibhav.gos...@glean.com>, "Steve Jiang" <steve.ji...@glean.com> 发送时间: 星期四, 2023年 6 月 29日 上午 12:49:21 主题: [Slack] Request to upload new invitation link Hi there, I'd love to join the Flink Slack channel, but it seems the link is outdated: [ https://join.slack.com/t/apache-flink/shared_invite/zt-1thin01ch-tYuj6Zwu8qf0QsivHY0anw | https://join.slack.com/t/apache-flink/shared_invite/zt-1thin01ch-tYuj6Zwu8qf0QsivHY0anw ] Would someone be able to update or send me a new invite link? Thanks, Stephen