Yes it would be used by app developers who are developing a Flink application.

From: liu ron <>
Date: Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 03:04
To: "Kartoglu, Emre" <>, "" 
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Maven plugin to detect issues in Flink projects

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the 
content is safe.

Ok, you mean this plugin is used by app developer in their app?


Kartoglu, Emre <<>> 于2023年9月18日周一 
Hi Ron,

Thanks for the feedback.

For instance, Kinesis connector versions 1.15.3 and below (for Flink 1.15) have 
a known bug that can lead to a deadlock. The plugin will warn the user (or fail 
the build) if app developers are using Kinesis connector 1.15.3 or below (and 
Flink 1.15).

Another example is the MSK IAM Auth library. There is a known bug related to 
classloaders which, once triggered, lead to Flink apps restarting continuously. 
The plugin detects if the version of the MSK IAM Auth lib being used is a buggy 
one and warns the developer or fails the build.

I understand the use of word “compatibility” is probably misleading here. The 
idea is to make this a database of known issues detectable during 
build/packaging. It’ll be a collaborative effort!


From: liu ron <<>>
Date: Monday, 18 September 2023 at 03:10
To: "<>" 
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Maven plugin to detect issues in Flink projects

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the 
content is safe.

Hi, Emre

Thanks for driving this proposal. It looks cool. Intuitively though, I don't 
really see what type of compatibility issues it's trying to solve, can you 
explain in a bit more detail? Is it solving compatibility issues within the 
Flink project itself, or compatibility issues with the Flink code that the user 
app depends on?


Kartoglu, Emre <<>> 于2023年9月15日周五 
Hello Flink users,

We recently released a Maven plugin that detects known Flink issues at 
packaging/compile time:

Its scope is currently limited to finding known connector incompatibility 

Some future ideas:

  *   Check for other statically detectable issues e.g. setting Flink operator 
  *   Gradle plugin
  *   Simple CLI tool to detect the issues in jar files (not couples with any 
build tool)

This came out of a Hackathon, so the code needs a lot of improvement (please 
feel absolutely free to raise a PR).

Please let know if you have any feedback.


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