
I deploy flink job in Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE) with enabled checkpointing on google cloud storage (GS). I configure GS filesystem with configuration described here https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.16/docs/deployment/filesystems/gcs/

I also want to encrypt data stored in GS which i do with configuration described here https://github.com/GoogleCloudDataproc/hadoop-connectors/blob/v2.2.4/gcs/CONFIGURATION.md#encryption-csek

using this variables in flink config

 * fs.gs.encryption.algorithm
 * fs.gs.encryption.key (not set by default)
 * fs.gs.encryption.key.hash (not set by default)

When I start flink job, it works and checkpoints are done. But when checkpoints are discarded, in log i see errors like this "<path in gs to /_metadata>" and from google API error 400 and message "The target object is not encrypted by a customer-supplied encryption key".

I checked that _metadata files are not encrypted. I don't understand this behavior because I set encryption in flink config and the _metadata are done by flink. Since Flink created them, it should be able to delete them as well.

It turns out that flink creates a _metadata file for checkpoint as not encrypted but tries to delete them as encrypted files, which causes an error in the google API.

Currently, I could not correct this behavior. The checkpoints themselves work fine and everything is removed from gs if I do not run encryption. Maybe someone knows what to do when running encryption on GS but checkpoint data were completely deleted.

Best regards


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