
We have an use case where we need to ensure that data reaches all 
endpoints/sinks one by one or to split the flow if any of them fails. Here is 
an schema of the use case: 

Current job: Source -> filters/maps/process -> sink1 
\-> sink2 
\-> sink3 

Desired job: Source -> filters/maps/process -> sink1 -> if OK sink2 -> if OK 
\-> if NOK sink4 \-> if NOK sink4 

In order to achieve it, we would like to have some kind of side output coming 
out from our sinks but side outputs are not available in SinkFunctions. The 
only way we have come up with is to implement the sink functionality inside a 
ProcessFunction or just call the sink.invoke() method from inside a process 
function but we hope there is a better/cleaner way to do it. 

We are working with the DataStream API in java. 

Thanks in advance, 


Aian Cantabrana 

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