Hi Chosen,

Whether kafka appender is supported or not has no relation to the 
It only depends on whether log4j2 supports kafka appender.

From the error message, it appears that the error is caused by the absence of 
the log4j-layout-template-json[1] plugin.
For the customized JARs, we can consider customizing the base image or refer to 
the examples in the podTemplate[2]
and use initContainers to download the JAR files and place them in the 
flink/lib directory.

Hope it helps.


[1] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/json-template-layout.html

On 2023/12/05 14:42:44 秋成 王 wrote:
> Hi,
> I am recently working on syncing my Flink log to Kafka via log4j2 Kafka 
> appender. I have a log4j2.properties file which works fine locally, say run 
> my flink fat jar form terminal via following command:
>       PS D:\repo>>java -cp .\reconciliation-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <myMainClass>
> The log can be synced to Kafka successfully when run locally.
> The contents of log4j2.properties file are pasted below:
> rootLogger.level = INFO
> rootLogger.appenderRef.kafka.ref = KafkaLog
> appender.kafka.type = Kafka
> appender.kafka.name = KafkaLog
> appender.kafka.topic = topicName
> appender.kafka.properties[0].type=Property
> appender.kafka.properties[0].name=bootstrap.servers
> appender.kafka.properties[0].value=<bootstrap.servers>
> appender.kafka.properties[1].type=Property
> appender.kafka.properties[1].name=sasl.mechanism
> appender.kafka.properties[1].value=PLAIN
> appender.kafka.properties[2].type=Property
> appender.kafka.properties[2].name=sasl.jaas.config
> appender.kafka.properties[2].value=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule
>  required username="$ConnectionString" 
> password="${env:log_event_hub_connection_string}";
> appender.kafka.properties[3].type=Property
> appender.kafka.properties[3].name=security.protocol
> appender.kafka.properties[3].value=SASL_SSL
> appender.kafka.layout.type = JsonTemplateLayout
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateUri = classpath:kusto-applogv2-layout.json
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[0].type = 
> EventTemplateAdditionalField
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[0].key = Application
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[0].value = reconciliation
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[0].format = String
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[1].type = 
> EventTemplateAdditionalField
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[1].key = Language
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[1].value = Java
> appender.kafka.layout.eventTemplateAdditionalField[1].format = String
> I am now deploying Flink via Flink Kubernetes operator. However, after I 
> copied the contents in log4j2.properties file to log4j-console.properties 
> under section of logConfiguration in FlinkDeployment yaml, the kafka Appender 
> failed to init with error message:
>       2023-12-05 10:12:36,903 main ERROR Unable to locate plugin type for 
> JsonTemplateLayout
>       2023-12-05 10:12:36,991 main ERROR Unable to locate plugin for 
> EventTemplateAdditionalField
>       2023-12-05 10:12:36,991 main ERROR Unable to locate plugin for 
> EventTemplateAdditionalField
>       2023-12-05 10:12:37,047 main ERROR Unable to locate plugin for 
> JsonTemplateLayout
> My question is that Does Flink Kubernetes operator support Kafka appender 
> configuration in log4j-console.properties? If so can anyone provide me with 
> an example?
> PS: similar error message once showed up when run locally, I fixed the issue 
> with sulotion posted here. via adding
> com.github.edwgiz.mavenShadePlugin.log4j2CacheTransformer.PluginsCacheFileTransformer
>  to pom file.
> java - Console contains an invalid element or attribute "JsonTemplateLayout" 
> even after adding dependency - Stack 
> Overflow<https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75838785/console-contains-an-invalid-element-or-attribute-jsontemplatelayout-even-after>
> Thanks,
> Chosen

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