
Most info regarding RocksDB memory for Flink focuses on what's needed
independently of the JVM (although the Flink process configures its limits
and so on). I'm wondering if there are additional special considerations
with regards to the JVM heap in the following scenario.

Assuming a key used to partition a Flink stream and its state has a high
cardinality, but that the state of each key is small, when Flink prepares
the state to expose to a user function during a call (with a given
partition key), I guess it loads only the required subset from RocksDB, but
does this small subset end (temporarily) up on the JVM heap? And if it
does, does it stay "cached" in the JVM for some time or is it immediately
discarded after the user function completes?

Maybe this isn't even under Flink's control, but I'm curious.


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