Hi Flink Community !

I am using :
* Flink
* Flink CDC posgtres Connector
* scala + sbt

versions are :
  * orgApacheKafkaVersion = "3.2.3"
  * flinkVersion = "1.19.0"
  * flinkKafkaVersion = "3.0.2-1.18"
  * flinkConnectorPostgresCdcVersion = "3.0.1"
  * debeziumVersion = "1.9.8.Final"
  * scalaVersion = "2.12.13"
  * javaVersion = "11"

the problem

I have a problem with the heartbeat interval feature:
* when I am querying PG with `select * from pg_replication_slots;` for
checking if information are updated on each replication slots at defined
* then confirmed_flush_lsn values are never updated
PS: i have other replication slots managed directly with debezium (without
flink) and their confirmed_flush_lsn values are updated correctly (same pg
DB) depending of their own interval

         slot_name          |  plugin  | slot_type |  datoid   |
database      | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin |
restart_lsn  | confirmed_flush_lsn
 slot_table1                | pgoutput | logical   | 811518778 | the_db
       | f         | t      |      10870 |      |   1630392036 |
712/697C0DB8 | 712/697C0DF0
 slot_table2                | pgoutput | logical   | 811518778 | the_db
       | f         | t      |      10894 |      |   1630392033 |
712/697AD0A8 | 712/697AD0E0
 slot_table3                | pgoutput | logical   | 811518778 | the_db
       | f         | t      |      10978 |      |   1630392034 |
712/697AD0A8 | 712/697AD0A8

My setup

I have configured 3 distinct DataStreamSource on 3 pg database tables using
this common method :

private def initEntityDataSource(conf: Config, env:
StreamExecutionEnvironment, entityName: String, columnList: String) = {

    val dbzProps: Properties = new Properties()
    dbzProps.setProperty("column.include.list", columnList)
// "public.tableX.column1,public.tableX.column2"

    val postgresIncrementalSource:
PostgresSourceBuilder.PostgresIncrementalSource[String] =
      // slot_tableX
      .deserializer(new JsonDebeziumDeserializationSchema())
      .heartbeatInterval(Duration.ofMillis(10000))                      //
<--    // 10 seconds
      // 10 Seconds
      .tableList("public." +
conf.getString(s"flink.${entityName}.table_name"))   // public.tableX
      .debeziumProperties(dbzProps)                                     //
<--    // dbzProps

WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks[String](), s"pg-projector-${entityName}")


After that I have converted each DataStreamSource into Table
And I join those 3 Table and convert result into a DataStream[Row]

On this new DataStream I do a keyBy for processing a custom
KeyedProcessFunction function

All of this is working fine and do its job

But heartbeat seems to not refresh values into
pg_replication_slots.confirmed_flush_lsn column

PS: I also try this :

1) instead of using the .heartbeatInterval() method to set the value of
interval ... i use debezium properties like this

dbzProps.setProperty("heartbeat.interval.ms", "10000")    // and also

it seems there is no effect with this

2) it seems that debezium needs to create a kafka topic for managing
heartbeat. In theory, If the topic does not exist it will be automaitcally
But my kafka server does not authorize this auto creation ... so i create
this topic mannually with this name :

i also add this dbzProps for setting the good topic prefix

dbzProps.setProperty("topic.heartbeat.prefix", "__flink-heartbeat")

it seems there is no effect with this too

So ... Do you have any ideas ?




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