hi, how do I implement AsyncLookupFunctions correctly? I implemented a
AsyncLookupFunction, the eval function has the following signature:
eval(CompletableFuture<Collection<RowData>> future, Object... keys) I also
implemented the Provider:
unfortunately there is no documentation on the AsyncLookupFunction and
AsyncLookupFunctionProvider so I feel like I quite in the dark here.
if I register my AsyncLookupFunction as UDF and try to call it with this
example snippet:

WITH tbl AS (SELECT 123 as id, '456' as pmntid, 'IDR' as cur) SELECT * from
tbl join Lateral Table(cashlessInfo(id, pmntid, cur))
I get the following error:
No match found for function signature cashlessInfo(<NUMERIC>, <CHARACTER>,

I tried creating a DynamicTableSourceFactory and a Table that uses this one
similar to
but I am not sure what schema to use here?
Any help/advice in which direction to investigate further?


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