That's the problem. I am not well versed with this script to fix on WIN but
i guess as a workaround you might want to add $FLUME_INSTALL_DIR/lib/. this
lib has all the required jars and should get you moving forward.

Mind, filing a JIRA  for the same.

- inder

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7:23 PM, mardan Khan <> wrote:

> Thanks Inder,
> when I am running the $echo $CLASSPATH, I am just getting . (dot) and
> nothing more.
> Please see below the flume-ng files. Can you just pointout where I should
> put echo$CLASSPATH.
> Thanks
> ################################
> # functions
> ################################
> info() {
>   if [ ${CLEAN_FLAG} -ne 0 ]; then
>     local msg=$1
>     echo "Info: $msg" >&2
>   fi
> }
> warn() {
>   if [ ${CLEAN_FLAG} -ne 0 ]; then
>     local msg=$1
>     echo "Warning: $msg" >&2
>   fi
> }
> error() {
>   local msg=$1
>   local exit_code=$2
>   echo "Error: $msg" >&2
>   if [ -n "$exit_code" ] ; then
>     exit $exit_code
>   fi
> }
> # If avail, add Hadoop paths to the FLUME_CLASSPATH and to the
> # Requires Flume jars to already be on FLUME_CLASSPATH.
> add_hadoop_paths() {
> \
>       which hadoop 2>/dev/null)
>   if [ -f "${HADOOP_IN_PATH}" ]; then
>     info "Including Hadoop libraries found via ($HADOOP_IN_PATH) for HDFS
> access"
>     # determine hadoop java.library.path and use that for flume
>     local HADOOP_CLASSPATH=""
>         ${HADOOP_IN_PATH} \
>         java.library.path 2>/dev/null)
>     # look for the line that has the desired property value
>     # (considering extraneous output from some GC options that write to
> stdout)
>     # IFS = InternalFieldSeparator (set to recognize only newline char as
> delimiter)
>     IFS=$'\n'
>     for line in $HADOOP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH; do
>       if [[ $line =~ ^java\.library\.path=(.*)$ ]]; then
>         break
>       fi
>     done
>     unset IFS
>     if [ -n "${HADOOP_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH}" ]; then
>     fi
>     # determine hadoop classpath
>     HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$($HADOOP_IN_PATH classpath 2>/dev/null)
>     # hack up and filter hadoop classpath
>     local ELEMENTS=$(sed -e 's/:/ /g' <<<${HADOOP_CLASSPATH})
>     local ELEMENT
>     for ELEMENT in $ELEMENTS; do
>       local PIECE
>       for PIECE in $(echo $ELEMENT); do
>         if [[ $PIECE =~ slf4j-(api|log4j12).*\.jar ]]; then
>           info "Excluding $PIECE from classpath"
>           continue
>         else
>         fi
>       done
>     done
>   fi
> }
> add_HBASE_paths() {
>   local HBASE_IN_PATH=$(PATH="${HBASE_HOME}/bin:$PATH" \
>       which hbase 2>/dev/null)
>   if [ -f "${HBASE_IN_PATH}" ]; then
>     info "Including HBASE libraries found via ($HBASE_IN_PATH) for HBASE
> access"
>     # determine HBASE java.library.path and use that for flume
>     local HBASE_CLASSPATH=""
>         ${HBASE_IN_PATH} \
>         java.library.path 2>/dev/null)
>     # look for the line that has the desired property value
>     # (considering extraneous output from some GC options that write to
> stdout)
>     # IFS = InternalFieldSeparator (set to recognize only newline char as
> delimiter)
>     IFS=$'\n'
>     for line in $HBASE_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH; do
>       if [[ $line =~ ^java\.library\.path=(.*)$ ]]; then
>         break
>       fi
>     done
>     unset IFS
>     if [ -n "${HBASE_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH}" ]; then
>     fi
>     # determine HBASE classpath
>     HBASE_CLASSPATH=$($HBASE_IN_PATH classpath 2>/dev/null)
>     # hack up and filter HBASE classpath
>     local ELEMENTS=$(sed -e 's/:/ /g' <<<${HBASE_CLASSPATH})
>     local ELEMENT
>     for ELEMENT in $ELEMENTS; do
>       local PIECE
>       for PIECE in $(echo $ELEMENT); do
>         if [[ $PIECE =~ slf4j-(api|log4j12).*\.jar ]]; then
>           info "Excluding $PIECE from classpath"
>           continue
>         else
>         fi
>       done
>     done
>   fi
> }
> display_help() {
>   cat <<EOF
> Usage: $0 <command> [options]...
> commands:
>   help                  display this help text
>   agent                 run a Flume agent
>   avro-client           run an avro Flume client
>   version               show Flume version info
> global options:
>   --conf,-c <conf>      use configs in <conf> directory
>   --classpath,-C <cp>   append to the classpath
>   --dryrun,-d           do not actually start Flume, just print the command
>   -Dproperty=value      sets a JDK system property value
> agent options:
>   --conf-file,-f <file> specify a config file (required)
>   --name,-n <name>      the name of this agent (required)
>   --help,-h             display help text
> avro-client options:
>   --host,-H <host>      hostname to which events will be sent (required)
>   --port,-p <port>      port of the avro source (required)
>   --filename,-F <file>  text file to stream to avro source [default: std
> input]
>   --headerFile,-R <file> headerFile containing headers as key/value pairs
> on each new line
>   --help,-h             display help text
> Note that if <conf> directory is specified, then it is always included
> first
> in the classpath.
> }
> run_flume() {
>   if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
>     shift
>   else
>     error "Must specify flume application class" 1
>   fi
>   if [ ${CLEAN_FLAG} -ne 0 ]; then
>     set -x
>   fi
>       -Djava.library.path=$FLUME_JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH
> }
> ################################
> # main
> ################################
> # set default params
> JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx20m"
> opt_conf=""
> opt_classpath=""
> opt_java_props=""
> opt_dryrun=""
> mode=$1
> shift
> case "$mode" in
>   help)
>     display_help
>     exit 0
>     ;;
>   agent)
>     opt_agent=1
>     ;;
>   node)
>     opt_agent=1
>     warn "The \"node\" command is deprecated. Please use \"agent\"
> instead."
>     ;;
>   avro-client)
>     opt_avro_client=1
>     ;;
>   version)
>    opt_version=1
>    ;;
>   *)
>     error "Unknown or unspecified command '$mode'"
>     echo
>     display_help
>     exit 1
>     ;;
> esac
> while [ -n "$*" ] ; do
>   arg=$1
>   shift
>   case "$arg" in
>     --conf|-c)
>       [ -n "$1" ] || error "Option --conf requires an argument" 1
>       opt_conf=$1
>       shift
>       ;;
>     --classpath|-C)
>       [ -n "$1" ] || error "Option --classpath requires an argument" 1
>       opt_classpath=$1
>       shift
>       ;;
>     --dryrun|-d)
>       opt_dryrun="1"
>       ;;
>     -D*)
>       opt_java_props="$opt_java_props $arg"
>       ;;
>     *)
>       args="$args $arg"
>       ;;
>   esac
> done
> # make opt_conf absolute
> if [[ -n "$opt_conf" && -d "$opt_conf" ]]; then
>   opt_conf=$(cd $opt_conf; pwd)
> fi
> # allow users to override the default env vars via conf/
> if [ -z "$opt_conf" ]; then
>   warn "No configuration directory set! Use --conf <dir> to override."
> elif [ -f "$opt_conf/" ]; then
>   info "Sourcing environment configuration script $opt_conf/"
>   source "$opt_conf/"
> fi
> # append command-line java options to stock or env script JAVA_OPTS
> if [ -n "${opt_java_props}" ]; then
>   JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} ${opt_java_props}"
> fi
> # prepend command-line classpath to env script classpath
> if [ -n "${opt_classpath}" ]; then
>   if [ -n "${FLUME_CLASSPATH}" ]; then
>     FLUME_CLASSPATH="${opt_classpath}:${FLUME_CLASSPATH}"
>   else
>     FLUME_CLASSPATH="${opt_classpath}"
>   fi
> fi
> if [ -z "${FLUME_HOME}" ]; then
>   FLUME_HOME=$(cd $(dirname $0)/..; pwd)
> fi
> # prepend $FLUME_HOME/lib jars to the specified classpath (if any)
> if [ -n "${FLUME_CLASSPATH}" ] ; then
> else
> fi
> # find java
> if [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ] ; then
>   warn "JAVA_HOME is not set!"
>   # Try to use Bigtop to autodetect JAVA_HOME if it's available
>   if [ -e /usr/libexec/bigtop-detect-javahome ] ; then
>     . /usr/libexec/bigtop-detect-javahome
>   elif [ -e /usr/lib/bigtop-utils/bigtop-detect-javahome ] ; then
>     . /usr/lib/bigtop-utils/bigtop-detect-javahome
>   fi
>   # Using java from path if bigtop is not installed or couldn't find it
>   if [ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ] ; then
>     JAVA_DEFAULT=$(type -p java)
>     [ -n "$JAVA_DEFAULT" ] || error "Unable to find java executable. Is it
> in your PATH?" 1
>     JAVA_HOME=$(cd $(dirname $JAVA_DEFAULT)/..; pwd)
>   fi
> fi
> # look for hadoop libs
> add_hadoop_paths
> add_HBASE_paths
> # prepend conf dir to classpath
> if [ -n "$opt_conf" ]; then
> fi
> # allow dryrun
> EXEC="exec"
> if [ -n "${opt_dryrun}" ]; then
>   warn "Dryrun mode enabled (will not actually initiate startup)"
>   EXEC="echo"
> fi
> # finally, invoke the appropriate command
> if [ -n "$opt_agent" ] ; then
>   run_flume $FLUME_AGENT_CLASS $args
> elif [ -n "$opt_avro_client" ] ; then
>   run_flume $FLUME_AVRO_CLIENT_CLASS $args
> elif [ -n "${opt_version}" ] ; then
>   run_flume $FLUME_VERSION_CLASS $args
> else
>   error "This message should never appear" 1
> fi
> exit 0
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Inder Pall <> wrote:
>> Hey if you edit flume-ng script and just before java is invoked put an
>> echo $CLASSPATH that should help in figuring what all dir's are there in
>> I am sorry but i am a big fan of windows hence don't run that O.S. to try
>> it out.
>> Thanks,
>> - inder
>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 7:00 PM, mardan Khan <>wrote:
>>> HI Inder,
>>> Sorry for the previous email. Actually I past the snapshot directly into
>>> editor which convert into some noisy text. Please see the snapshot as
>>> attachment .
>>> Please let me know for any solution
>>> Thanks
>>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Inder Pall <>wrote:
>>>> can you echo your CLASSPATH in the flume startup script.
>>>> - inder
>>>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:25 PM, mardan Khan <>wrote:
>>>>> Hi Brock
>>>>> Thanks for reply. I have solved the problem of cygwin. Now i am
>>>>> getting another error message: Could not find or load main class of
>>>>> org.apache.flume.node.Application.
>>>>> I am running the following command:
>>>>> bin/flume-ng agent -n agent -c conf -f
>>>>> conf/
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Brock Noland <>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Unfortunately I am not familiar with cygwin and don't have a windows
>>>>>> computer to test on. Hopefully someone else on the list has an insight.
>>>>>> Brock
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:27 AM, mardan Khan 
>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Brock.
>>>>>>> Now when i am run the command:  flume$ bin/flume-ng agent -n agent
>>>>>>> -f conf/
>>>>>>> template.
>>>>>>> Cygwin Warning: MS-DOS style path detected
>>>>>>> /usr/local/bin/c:\program......................................................................
>>>>>>> bin/flume-ng line:210 exec c:\program not found.
>>>>>>> How to solve this problem.
>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Brock Noland <>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Inline
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 11:54 PM, mardan Khan <
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Brock.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for reply. I want to use the full flume as i have to upload
>>>>>>>>> the data into hdfs. I have installed the cygwin and hadoop.
>>>>>>>> OK this is a great start.
>>>>>>>>> I have download the flume binary from the mentioned link. Now you
>>>>>>>>> please let me explain the follow:
>>>>>>>>> 1). I need just to decopress the downloaded folder?
>>>>>>>> Yes you download a tar.gz which is like a zip. In cygwin you can
>>>>>>>> use the command tar -zxvf to untar it.
>>>>>>>>> 2). where i should decompress the flume binary. Should i
>>>>>>>>> decompress c:\cygwin\home\user-name
>>>>>>>> Whereever you want, however a common place for "tarball" software
>>>>>>>> is /usr/local or /opt
>>>>>>>>> 3). How I will run the flume-ng.
>>>>>>>> You configure flume and then run the flume-ng command in the bin
>>>>>>>> directory
>>>>>>>>>  4) The flume.conf file will configure same as configuring using
>>>>>>>>> Linux?
>>>>>>>> Yes configure flume will be the same as on Linux in cygwin.
>>>>>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 4:20 AM, Brock Noland 
>>>>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> If you just want run a flume agent on Windows you just download
>>>>>>>>>> the binary here:
>>>>>>>>>> Note that the flume startup script is written in bash so unless
>>>>>>>>>> you use cygwin you'll need to start the JVM and setup the classpath
>>>>>>>>>> yourself.
>>>>>>>>>> Brock
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 8:01 PM, mardan Khan <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am struggling from couple of weeks to install and configure
>>>>>>>>>>> the flume1.x on windows but could not success. Could you please 
>>>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>>>> show me step-by-step how to install flume on window. I have read a 
>>>>>>>>>>> couple
>>>>>>>>>>> of posts which mentioned the git and Maven but i dont understand 
>>>>>>>>>>> how can
>>>>>>>>>>> use it to install the flume.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please help me as i am total stuck and running out of time.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Apache MRUnit - Unit testing MapReduce -
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Apache MRUnit - Unit testing MapReduce -
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Apache MRUnit - Unit testing MapReduce -
>>>> --
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Inder
>>>>   Tech Platforms @Inmobi
>>>>   Linkedin -
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> - Inder
>>   Tech Platforms @Inmobi
>>   Linkedin -

- Inder
  Tech Platforms @Inmobi
  Linkedin -

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