Thanks Hari for your kind note! Thanks very much also for all your
consistency and hard work as Flume PMC chair over the last 2+ years.

I'm excited to take on this new role. I hope that folks will reach out with
ideas and suggestions they may have for the project, code wise or community

Best regards,

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Hari Shreedharan <>

> Hi all,
> It gives me immense happiness to announce that the Apache Software
> Foundation Board has appointed Mike Percy as the new PMC chair of the
> Apache Flume Project. Mike has contributed immensely to the project, and is
> one of the most active contributors to the project.
> I am confident that Mike will do an amazing job as the chair of the PMC.
> Please join me in congratulating Mike and welcoming his to this new role!
> Thanks,
> Hari

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