Ross Gardler schrieb:
Tim Williams wrote:

I'm having a difficult time understanding where the Forrest
application ends and where the data for the site begins. Is there
always a one-to-one relationship between the Forrest app and a site?

Yes. You can have multiple Forrest/Jetty instances running if you change the port, see

But see also this feature request
"Serve multiple sites on a single Forrest instance"


In other words can the app be used to operate on multiple sites or is
the site configuration so inter-twined with the application that one
needs separate "instances" of Forrest for each site (changing
"$FORREST_HOME" for each site)?

All configs for a site, are site dependant. That is they are defined in the site not in Forrest itself. SO the answer is you need 1 instance of Forrest for any number of sites.

In terms of Forrest directory structure, I think here's what I'm asking:

Instead of:


Where site1, site2, and site3 are totally different web sites.  I
guess the command line would somehow have to support an extra
parameter naming the site to be built/run.

Any help in understanding this would be appreciated.

You should have:


In order to get started we provide a "forrest seed" command that will create the necessary config files and directory structure. So all you need to do is:

mkdir site1
cd site1
forrest seed

and then start editing your configuration and site data.

See out docs for more info:

