Will the following not do what you want?
$> forrest site -Dproject.skin=krysalis-site

You'd have to rename the directory after each build if you wanted to
compare side by side.  I couldn't find a property to change the
build-directory on the command line but I don't doubt that it exists

As for your number 2, skinconf.xml will allow you to customize most things.


On 5/26/05, The Web Maestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 26, 2005, at 3:57 AM, Maurice Lanselle wrote:
> > I am learning to use Forrest v0.6.  I am very confused by the
> > information on changing skins and skin properties, and I think there
> > may be issues. I would like to simply:
> > 1) Try the available skins, to see how they look and how they vary so
> > I can choose my favorite.
> > 2) Customize the colors of the chosen skin.
> I would second this. It would be nice to have the ability to generate
> output for each type of skin, so they can be compared. This could be
> done using the seed, or alternately using someone's forrest generated
> site. They could output like this:
> build/site_crust/
> build/site_pelt/
> build/site_leather/
> etc.
> Regards,
> Web Maestro Clay
> --
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - <http://homepage.mac.com/webmaestro/>
> My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
> - HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet