Thank for reponses
The problem was in the input.xmap. so it is solved.

> Thanks for the reponse, the ANT_HOME variable was not cleared.
> Now I have the following result.
> index.html        BROKEN: The string "--" is not permitted within
> comments.
> changes.html
> todo.html
> In the given plugin I did find any changes.xml or todo.xml files to serve
> as exemple.

If you want to use the projectInfo plugin then you would need to copy
an example status.xml from the projectInfo plugin to your plugin.

> Then I reduced the site.xml to a minimum ...

But you reduced the site.xml to a completely empty file.

> ...but I still have
> index.html        BROKEN: The string "--" is not permitted within
> comments.

Don't know what that problem is sorry.
I will try to find time to following the procedure myself.
