I have upgraded to 0.7, but I am now getting the following errors on a
couple of pages (for example):

No pipeline matched request: todo.xml

Do I need to change something?

I'll check the directories for the examples - thanks.

As for CGI, I am using the Jetty packaged with Forrest.  I tried to enable
CGI via the CGI servlet (I found the FAQ on this), but I get nosuchmethod
errors setting dynamic servlets.  Should I download Jetty independently and
try it that way.


|         |           David Crossley  |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           .org>           |
|         |                           |
|         |           09/02/2005 10:10|
|         |           Please respond  |
|         |           to user         |
|         |                           |
  |        To:      user@forrest.apache.org                                     
  |        cc:                                                                  
  |        Subject: Re: directory listing & batch file invocation               

> I'm using Forrest 0.6 to migrate off of a plain old apache server.  I
> most of the site replicated.  The only remaining issues are:

Any reason for 0.6 ? You would be better of start a new
application with 0.7 version. Anyway ...

> 1.  I need a directory listing of a path outside of the web app.  I tried
> using the Directory Generator, but quite honestly, I have no idea how to
> implement it.  Anyone have it set up already and can send me some snips?

and you can probably find other stuff at wiki.apache.org/cocoon

There are a couple of examples in Forrest
cd forrest_06_branch/src/core/context
grep directory *.xmap

> 2.  I need to call a batch file from a link.  I was using cgi-bin to do
> this, but I can't find a similar function in Forrest (I don't think there
> is one).  I saw a post about redirecting to an apache web server, but I
> can't do that as I am removing the plain apache server.  The batch file
> only created a zip of a couple of directories so I was trying to use the
> Zip serializer, but again, I'm having some issues.

Are you using a full Jetty as the servlet container
for your forrest webapp. It can run cgi programs,
so probably can Tomcat.

I have never used the Cocoon ZipArchiveSerializer,

but i gather that you would construct a pipeline in
your project sitemap that generates an xml document
in the format shown, then finish that with the serializer.
