Thomas Dudziak wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > What is that document called "site.html"? Is that deliberate
> > or an accident? I supsect an accident.
> Nope, thats deliberate, its the "whole site as HTML" thingie. See here
> for the site.xml:
> Btw, nothing changes if I rename them to wholesite.html /
> wholesite.pdf, same error as before.

Did you try disabling the "wholesite" thing completely?

> > Perhaps you have a link in one of your documents that has
> > an href attribute like href="site.html:foo" rather than
> > like href="site:foo".
> >
> > Another possibility might be an empty href
> > like href="site:".
> That's what I suspected first, but all links are ok - after all the
> individual pages are generated ok. 

Pages are still generated, but might have broken links
in them. Do this ...
cd build/site
find . -name "*.html | xargs grep "\"error:"


> And it worked with Forrest 0.6, so
> my guess is that it is not something so trivial as a wrong href.
> regards,
> Tom