Ross Gardler wrote:
Joao Miguel Ferreira wrote:
Hello all,

I'm having problems inserting one parfticular image on my document. I'm
using: forrest 0.5.1, document-v12.dtd.

The line that causes problems is (the 'figure' item):

previous text</p>
<figure src="images/tubos.gif" alt=""/>
<p>next text...

If I comment it out it works fine.

The error messagem I get is (the fop part):

* [0]   0.025s 1.1Kb   hello.pdf
* [0]   0.029s 2.8Kb   skin/page.css
X [0]                       samples/sample.pdf  BROKEN:
org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: No meaningful layout in block after
many attempts.  Infinite loop is assumed.  Processing halted.
* [27]  0.175s 12.3Kb  samples/ehtml-sample.html

I have another image in the document that works fine...

Any hints ?

I'm not sure if this is the same symptoms or not, search the user archives and the issue tracker for more info, but...

There are reported problems with large images in PDF documents. Is this image particularly large?


I can confirm this suspicion, seen this before. What is basically going on here is that FOP is unable to place this image in a sensible position. Try rescaling the picture or limit the width/height manually.

