On 3/16/06, Woods, Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Here is, at least, part of the puzzle: 
> http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/XMLDBTransformer?highlight=%28xindice%29.  I'll 
> share a few of my conclusions and welcome anyone on the list to chime in with 
> comments or suggestions. I realize that this post may seem to be more of a 
> cocoon or xindice post at times but because the site is ultimately built 
> using forrest I think it's appropriate to post to this list.

Have you had a look at:
http://www.cocooncenter.org/articles/xindice.html ?  Not sure if it
helps but it sounds like you're querying and not updating so using the
psuedo-protocol in a generator would be more what you're looking for.
Though I really have no clue because I've never reallly looked into it
- just saw that article and thought it may be of use to you if you
hadn't seen it already.

> Everything that follows assumes that forrest 0.7 is in use.
> I have a very lengthy XML file that is validated to a DTD.  This file is to 
> be the source for a forrest site.  It appeals to me to let forrest handle all 
> the presentation issues as this will leave me free to focus on the XML data 
> thus freeing me from the drudgery of building, scripting, and tweaking a web 
> ui (or it will if I ever figure this out).  I want to be able to update 
> xindice as needed and not have to tinker with the rest of the site.
> The XML file is about 1.7 MB in size.  Reading through the Xindice site, I 
> have concluded that it is best to break this file up into smaller chunks 
> before adding it to the xmldb.
> Next, I'm using cocoon 2.1.8 which has xindice bundled with it.  I haven't 
> sorted out how to add my XML documents to the bundled xindice.  Using xindice 
> as a stand-alone, I simply do startup.bat in $XINDICE_HOME and use the 
> command line to add my documents.  At the moment, I'm confused about how to 
> "start" the xindice bundle within cocoon as I can't find the startup.bat 
> file.  Anyway, that's minor, I'll figure it out eventually though if anyone 
> wants to reply to that I'm most grateful.
> The rest of the plan is to cut and paste the xmldb transformer:
> <map:transformers default="xslt">
>   <map:transformer name="xmldb" 
> src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.XMLDBTransformer">
>     <driver>org.apache.xindice.client.xmldb.DatabaseImpl</driver>
>     <base>xmldb:xindice://localhost:8888/db</base>
>   </map:transformer>
>   ...
> </map:transformers>
>  from cocoon's sitemap.xmap into my forrest projects 
> $project_home/main/webapp/sitemap.xmap.  So now forrest should have a 
> connection to xindice.  The wiki has an example called populate.xml but the 
> link is broken (maybe someone on the list knows the correct location).
> Here is what I think I need to finish this up (purely conjecture):
> 1.  A pipeline to handle page requests by turning the into XPATH queries, 
> sending the query to the xmldb, and returning the requested XML document.
> 2.  A stylesheet to transform the returned document into document-v13 format.
> This raises the following question:
> Does forrest use whatever version of cocoon my system variable $COCOON_HOME 
> is set to or is it bundled with its own cocoon build?  How can I find out 
> which version of cocoon forrest is using?

$FORREST_HOME\lib\core\cocoon-XYZ-rABC.jar will give you which Cocoon we're on.

> Once we get this sorted out, I intend to post the solution on the wiki but 
> there is still a way to go here.  Anyway, thanks to everyone who has replied 
> so far and anyone who chimes in as this thread works itself out.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.D. Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:46 PM
> To: user@forrest.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Cocoon sitemaps and Forrest sitemaps
> Sounds like we're on our own, Chris.
> :)
> Joe
> Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > El mié, 15-03-2006 a las 13:40 -0500, Woods, Christopher escribió:
> >
> >>Hi Folks,
> >>
> >>I'm trying to sort out where Forrest ends and Cocoon begins with
> >>regard to sitemaps.  As best I can tell, the only two sets of sitemaps
> >>that are used by Forrest are the local-project sitemaps (these are
> >>processed
> >>first) and the forrest-home sitemaps (these are processed only if
> >>local-project does not handle the request).
> >
> >
> > Then there are the sitemaps provided by the plugins and we talking
> > about "sets". ;) There are million of *.xmaps in forrest (at least it
> > seems like it). ;)
> >
> >
> >> Am I correct in assuming
> >>that sitemaps in cocoon-home are only used for instances not processed
> >>by the forrest-home sitemaps?
> >
> >
> > I do not understand the question.
> >
> > If you tell forrest to use them then forrest will use them but if you
> > place a *.xmap in cocoon forrest will not read it out of the box.
> >
> >
> >>  Thanks very much.
> >>
> >>Chris
> >
> >
> > http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_70/project-sitemap.html