On May 3, 2006, at 11:12 PM, David Crossley wrote:
Web Maestro Clay wrote:
- had to replace <code> with [code-FIXME] since it's not in document-

It is in our version of that old DTD.

BTW, it's in my version of the DTD, but that still doesn't explain why I needed to '-FIXME' it. I don't understand why. All I know is I didn't get that error after I changed it from <code> to [code-FIXME]

- had to pepper a couple of other '-FIXME' items (faq.html, etc.)

1. Unfortunately it appears document-v13 files were *not* generated
in build/site.xml (it looks like it merely passed the document-
v10.xml versions across). It'd be great to get v13 files, so I can
move forward with better compatibility.

Ah, drat. The proper document type declaration with
a Public Identifier is probably needed. Try it as described
below by adding one Batik xdoc to a fresh seed site
and set its Public Identifier.
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN" "document-v10.dtd">
That will cause it to use Forrest's own DTDs.
Try it in 'forrest run' or set the validation
off in forrest.properties file.

That worked! Cool! Unfortunately, it kept the <anchor id="yatayata"/> line so it looks like:

    <anchor id="systemRequirements"/>
    <section><title>System Requirements</title>
        Batik requires the following systems to be already
        installed in your system:
        <li><strong>Java Virtual Machine</strong>
A Java 1.3 or greater compatible virtual machine must be present.

IIUC, that needs to be changed to:

    <section id="systemRequirements"><title>System Requirements</title>
        Batik requires the following systems to be already
        installed in your system:
        <li><strong>Java Virtual Machine</strong>
A Java 1.3 or greater compatible virtual machine must be present.

2. I get an error that 'images/splash.png' not found, although
'images/logo.gif' is found (and both files are in the same path: src/

Probably depends on how you referenced that from
your source files. See examples in 'forrest seed'.

I think for now, I'll just comment the spot where it is displayed (top of index.html/.xml) since it's already displayed at the top of the page anyway:

<figure src="images/splash.png" alt="Batik release 1.5beta3" />

Unfortunately, since it's in the header it won't be displayed in the PDF file. We can work on this later if we care.

3. I don't have navigation down the left. Here's a snipped of my
site.xml file:

site.xml snippet
  <batik label="About Batik">
    <index label="Introduction" href="index.html"
description="Welcome to Batik"/>
    <faqs label="FAQs" href="faq.html" description="Batik - FAQs
    <wiki label="Wiki" href="ext:wiki" description="Batik - Wiki
    <license label="License" href="license.html" description="Batik
- License Page"/>

Don't know, maybe due to the above issues.
What happens if you leave some documents from
the 'forrest seed site'? Do they have their
menus? You are probably better to start with a
fresh seed site and just add one of the old
Batik documents, i.e. don't change too much at
one time.

It worked when I added one or two items...

Web Maestro Clay

My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
-- HH Dalai Lama of Tibet