On Sun, 2006-10-22 at 14:28 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> i try to get quickly into forrest and i am playing around with the
> template project. At the moment i am a bit confused by the site.xml.
> <site label="MyProj" href=""
> xmlns="http://apache.org/forrest/linkmap/1.0"; tab="SecondTab">
> First, why do i have "href" in this template? As the documentation says,
> this is ignored.

Hmm, can you provide a link.

The href is normally the place where you define the new dir.

> Then i wonder what effect the label attribute has in this case. 

I think it is because it is the "root" element, that is why it does not
have an effect.

> When i
> change "MyProj" to something else it seems nothing happens.
> Then i tried out to fill the "tab"-attribute. The tab is selected
> correctly. I have mapped this tab into the directory "dir2" but instead
> of opening localhost:8888/dir2/index.html it's opening
> localhost:8888/index.html.
> Do i have to point my "SecondTab" (which seems to be my home-tab now) to
> the root-folder?

Please try not with the site element but another. Taken from
http://criaturitas.org/ e.g.
<site label="CDK" href="" xmlns="http://apache.org/forrest/linkmap/1.0";
tab="hom e">
  <news label="Club Deportivo Kriaturitas">
    <start label="Noticias" href="start.html" description="todo sobre
las ultima s noticias"/>
    <start label="Entrenamiento" href="entrenamiento.html"
description="todo sob re el entrenamiento"/>

> I am sorry to ask this simple questions, but i didn't find anything in
> the FAQ and in the TIPS section.

Try http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_70/linking.html



> Thank you
> Chris

"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)