Cameron McCormack wrote:
> Cameron McCormack wrote:
> > > Is it possible to have some (X)HTML content in a document-v20 file that
> > > won???t be modified upon generating the .html files?  I have an applet and
> > > a form in one file, but my applet and input elements get mangled
> > > (attributes go missing).  I tried putting those elements in the XHTML
> > > namespace, but this makes no difference to the output.
> David Crossley:
> > Yes. I use that approach on the homepage of
> So the namespace trick should work?

I don't know. I didn't mean that part. I meant that adding
html content to a source file works for me. I didn't add any
xmlns attributes.

>  In my xml file I have:
>   <table xmlns=""; id="data">
>     ...
>         <applet id="chart" codebase="demo/" code="AppletDemo.class"
>                 width="400" height="300" mayscript="mayscript"
>                 archive="..."/>
>     ...
>         <input id="ShoeBar" type="text" value="10"/>
>     ...
>   </table>
> which gets turned into:
>   <table>
>     <a name="data"></a>
>     ...
>         <applet archive="..." code="AppletDemo.class" codebase="demo/"
>                 height="300"><a name="chart"></a></applet>
>     ...
>         <input><a name="ShoeBar"></a></input>
>     ...
>   </table>
> Apart from some of the attributes disappearing, I need the ids to be
> kept on the elements so that some script in the page can modify them.
> > The relevant xml page needs to be excluded from validation
> > via file (or define your own schema).
> I currently have validation turned off altogether.
> > What version of Forrest are you using? From memory there were
> > some changes in 0.8-dev trunk (and maybe in forrest_07_branch)
> > that affect such attributes.
> I???m using the 0.7 distribution.

Then that could well be your problem.
