Hello -

I'm having trouble with the PDF files generated by Forrest 0.7. 

The PDF files generated for my site are very poorly formatted, without
margins on either side of the pages. Therefore, all the content stretches
from the left physical edge of the page to the right physical edge.

Also, within a table where table entries have links, the link text is
printed within parentheses along with the displayed text.

As far as I know, I have not made any conscious modifications to the way
PDFs are generated, other than to turn the generation on.

Has anyone else seen problems like this? Can someone point me to
documentation which may help me correct this? Where is the formatting and
appearance of PDFs controlled?

Thank you. 

David L. Paterline
Principal Engineer       
Westinghouse Electric Company
Nuclear Fuel Engineering
Engineering Computing
PH: 412-374-2286
FX: 412-374-2284