Hi there,

i just run into a problem that is similar to the one mentioned in the faqs at http://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_80/faq.html#older-plugins.

Whenever i call "forrest run" or "forrest" in FORREST_HOME/site-author i will get errors that condense to:

Could not find component for role: [org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input.InputModule/lm] (Key='org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.input.InputModule/lm')

A well known problem you might say, but i followed the instructions given in


I even recreated the forrest installation three times, making sure not to use symlinks and eventually added the "-0.1" version specifier in all forrest.properties files i could find. Still i neither get the dynamic nor the generated documentation.

Note that after the "clean" build described in the mail above, the forrest.properties in the plugin directories will contain "org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.projectInfo" (without version speciefier), even though i adapted FORREST_HOME/plugins/pluginTemplate/forrest.properties

Most probably i forgot the obvious thing to do; in this case forgive my ignorance.

Best regards,



olivier wehner