On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 18:18 +0100, Steve Odlind wrote:
> >>There are two (easy) solutions to your problem:
> >>a) use a narrower match that will only work when you know the custom
> >>DTD is to be used
> >>b) don't worry about the match, just redefine the sourcetype action
> >>that does the processing
> >>If you go for a) then simply change your match to something like:
> >><map:match pattern="myCustomDocs/**.xml">
> >>If you go for b) then copy the following elements from forrest.xmap
> >>and add your custom DTD and transformation to them:
> >><map:action logger="sitemap.action.sourcetype" name="sourcetype"
> >>src="org.apache.forrest.sourcetype.SourceTypeAction">
> >><map:resource name="transform-to-document">
> Unfortunately, both approaches result in the following error message:
> "BROKEN: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to insert a node
> where it is not permitted."
> Is there something wrong with my site, or the XSL?

As I read the error your xsl/xml.

Thorsten Scherler                                 thorsten.at.apache.org
Open Source Java                      consulting, training and solutions