
I solved my problem now, just in case someone is interested here is how
I did it:

The "No flow in page-sequence" error was raised because in my site.xml I
referenced documents that did not already exist.

So far so good.

Then I got the following error:

internal-destination or external-destination must be specified in basic-link

That was because I had empty urls in some a tags (e.g. <a href="">).

I changed that, too. Now it works and I'm happy! ;-)

Forrest rocks.


Dieter Schicker wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm new to forrest - so please forgive me if I'm asking stupid questions.
> I have a problem with the "wholesite.pdf" functionality. My site.xml
> looks like
> ...
> <about label="Allgemein">
>   <index label="Was ist ZIMnet?" href="index.html" description=""/>
>   <whole_site_pdf label="Whole Site PDF" href="wholesite.pdf"/>
> </about>
> ...
> When I click on it I get
>   Internal Server Error
> Message: null
> Description: No details available.
> Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
> Source: Cocoon Servlet
> cause
> No flow in page-sequence
> Request URI
> wholesite.pdf
> request-uri
> /zimnet/wholesite.pdf
> Apache Cocoon 2.2.0-dev <http://cocoon.apache.org/>
> Any ideas? Shall I also post my forrest logs?
> Dieter