On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 09:58 +0100, EMMEL Thomas wrote:
> Hi,
> since forrest uses the html-to-document.xsl file to filter native html 
> and I like to test several changes in this document it would be nice
> to use a local copy of this file.
> However, forrest takes allways the file from the installation not
> from my project. I put it to resources/stylesheets as there is the 
> hello2document.xsl-file.

That is not the correct place. I assume you are using 0.8:
!-- All core other transforms -->
    <match pattern="transform.*.*">
src="{properties:skins-dir}{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/html/{1}-to-{2}.xsl" />

        <location src="{forrest:forrest.stylesheets}/{1}-to-{2}.xsl"/>

So you place html-to-document.xsl in
{properties:skins-dir}{forrest:forrest.skin}/xslt/html/ and it will
automatically picked up.

...or you implement 
<match pattern="transform.html.document">
  <location src="YourPath/html-to-document.xsl"/>

in your locationmap.

> Maybe this is the worng place or I need to configure something I haven't 
> found yet.
> Any help appriciated
> Thomas
Thorsten Scherler                                 thorsten.at.apache.org
Open Source Java                      consulting, training and solutions