Ross Gardler wrote:
> Carlos Tejo Alonso wrote:
> >Hello Ross,
> >
> >>Use your favourite tools to search the Forrest source tree 
> >>for examples 
> >>of xinclude in XDocs.
> >
> >I have made that search, but I haven't found an example of xinclude in an 
> >xdoc. Could you show us an example ?
> Well, what do you know, we have no example in our XDocs - amazing.
> You can see examples in the Cocoon XInclude transformer docs at 

There were some very useful discussions in our mailing lists
recently. Try this with Google: forrest xinclude 2007


> >>Once you've got it working we would really appreciate a FAQ entry for 
> >>subsequent users. Just drop it into our issue tracker.
> >
> >Be sure ;-)
> Excellent. Since there are no examples it would be worth adding such an 
> example to our sample.xml doc as well - thanks
> Ross