On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 00:32 +0900, Dr. Bhatia Praveen wrote:
> Hello,
>   I use an [1] xml file -> [2] transformed to doc by xslt ->
> [3]transformed to xml by my sitemap pipeline -> [4] transformed to
> html by forrest.
>  The relevant string that gets transformed in this process is as
> follows (Please note these are Japanese character strings):
> [1]
>       <set lang="japanese">
>        <ques> Japanese string1 <ques>
>         <ans> Japanese string2 </ans>
>       </set>
> At [3} these strings after transformation looks correctly like:
> - <li>
>   <a href="javascript:sayText(" Japanese string1",1,12,3)"> Japanese
> string2</a> 
>   </li>
> At [4] in html source it looks like:
> <a class="external" href="javascript:sayText(%22%E6%97%A5%  .....
> ETC,  ,1,12,3)"> Japanese string2 </a> 
> Hence Japanese string1 at the href location got converted to strange
> characters...
> Problem: Till step [3] the transformation is correct in Japanese. At
> step [4] the the href= portion's Japanese has become special
> characters while the value place japanese is in normal Japanese. My
> sayText() library function can't interpret these characters and
> requires normal Japanese there.
> What can I do to get the normal Japanese at the href= location after
> the transformation to html from forrest site?

Actually that is a bit cumbersome and I recommend to not directly use
the japanese character in the href attribute. The problem is that the
attribute href will be encoded via the link rewrite.


<a href="javascript:sayText("string1",1,12,3)

and in your script:

function sayText(a,b,c,d){
 if (a =="YourJapaneseString"

This is not the most beautiful solution but will work.



> thanks
> Praveen  
Thorsten Scherler                                 thorsten.at.apache.org
Open Source Java                      consulting, training and solutions