On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 3:32 AM, gulfiz ergin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again...
> There is something strange in my site..(may be this issue is discussed
> before
> I did not search for it.)Any kind of photo I put to my site (logo etc.) does
> not
> appear on Mozilla Firefox but in internet explorer!I don't know what is
> wrong here...
> On the other hand,I can say that photo gallery is working but I can see the
> images
> when I click on "view the largest picture".It is written in the document
> that
> "The thumbnail and small sized images will be automatically generated" but
> in my site
> I couldn't see the thumbnails and small sized images.
> thanks for your responses! have a nice day...

Are you using *nix platform?  If so, you might have to open up write
permissions on those directories.  Can you look into your logs and see
if there's any useful information?
