Ross Gardler wrote:
> Michael Parker wrote:
> >Hi Andreas,
> >
> >f.y.i.:
> >I opened a report for  the same bug a while ago
> ><>
> >but  without any reponse by now.
> Andreas, can you confirm your bug is the same as that reported in
> which is a duplicate of 
> the bug identified above.
> Either way, I suspect this is a "scratch your own itch" problem. The 
> bugs have been on file for a long time and have been marked as "minor" 
> by the existing project team. The only way these are likely to be fixed 
> is to fix them yourselves.

That is always how it is. For example, i haven't tried
because i never use the "wholesite" ability.

However, it points to an underlying problem with our
"linkrewriting" so it would be good to address it.

> Of course, we'll help out where we can but we need complete debugging 
> info and perhaps a sample site that reproduces the problem so we can 
> test it.

Probably one of our existing seed sites will demonstrate
this. By default we have the "wholesite.*" commented-out
in site.xml file.

> A good start for your debugging info is to turn on logging for the 
> linkrewriter and send the relevant parts of the logs to this thread.

It would be great if Andreas and Michael can help
to track this down. On the "dev" list please.
