Take a look at the stylesheet in the pdf-output-plugin to find out which
color-definitions are used in pdf.

Definitions like
> <xsl:variable
>         name="background-color"
>         select="$config/colors/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'body']/@value" />
reference settings in skinconfig (<color name="body" value="#ffffff"
link="#0F3660" vlink="#009999" hlink="#000066"/>) and are used in one or
several of the helper stylesheets in the directory.
> <fo:block background-color="{$background-color}">
>       <xsl:apply-templates>
>         <xsl:with-param name="level" select="number($level)+1"/>
>       </xsl:apply-templates>
>     </fo:block>
Ferdinand Soethe


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21522 Hohnstorf
ph  +4139/696244
mob +1772507870
Tax-ID.: 2326 02613903524

Irrra schrieb:
> The colors part changes colors of the generated html page but the pdf files
> still use the colors of the initial skin. There is nothing in the pdf part
> of the skinconf.xml (at least nothin I see..) which color-related. 
> Thorsten Scherler-3 wrote:
>> On Mon, 2008-09-01 at 18:41 -0700, Irrra wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to match the styles of the generated  pdf documents with the
>>> page's
>>> styles (the image size, fonts, color scheme etc.)? Where should I do
>>> modifications?
>> Have a look in skinconf.xml of your project and look into the <colors>
>> block for changing colors and in the <pdf> block to change general
>> properties of the pdf.
>> HTH
>> salu2
>> -- 
>> Thorsten Scherler                                 thorsten.at.apache.org
>> Open Source Java                      consulting, training and solutions