  I am trying to get XSP working on my forrest webpages.
  I use 0.8 version and am referring to the XSP link
The download jdtcore-* link on this when clicked points to non-existent
Also, if one goes to svn.apache.org the paths mentioned in forrest faq list
could not be found and I could not locate the jdtcore-*

  I searched for jdtcore's on google and downloaded jdtcore-2.1.0 (also
tried 3.0.2 version of jdtcore) but keep getting following error when
dynamic.xml link for xsp is clicked on the forrest webapp.

.... AccessRestriction V
Searches over the net suggest this error is due to the different signatures
in the .jar file of what is expected and what is got. However, I cant figure
out how to resolve or get the correct jdtcore-*

  Please advice on where is the correct jdtcore-* available for download for
forrest 0.8 version and how to overcome this problem.

Best wishes