Please do not do top-posting like this. Rather add your
comments in-line with the context of the conversation.

Irrra wrote:
> The build was successful when I created a new directory, populated it with
> "forrest seed' and copied my index.xml file to it. As soon as I tried to run
> 'forrest validate-xdocs' in the initial directory I got the all too familiar
> error... May it be something outside the file? Skinconf.xml? Anything?

Please do that *without* adding your document. I want to
see what happens with a fresh forrest seed site. See below.

> David Crossley wrote:
> > Irrra wrote:
> >> 
> >> I'm pretty sure I'm missing something simple. Below is the code from my
> >> xml
> >> file. It shows up properly when using 'forrest run'. When I'm trying to
> >> run
> >> 'forrest' however, I'm getting an error and I don't know what should I do
> >> to
> >> fix it. The erorr is: 
> >> 
> >> validate-xdocs:
> >> C\Dosuments and Settings\...\index.xml: The content of element type
> >> "body" 
> >> must match
> >> "(section|p|source|note|warning|fixme|table|ol|ul|figure|anchor)+"
> >> 
> >> ...index.xml fis not a valid xml document.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Any insight will be very appreciated!
> >> 
> >> The code:
> >> 
> >> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >> 
> >> <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
> >> "";>
> >> <document>
> >>   <header>
> >>     <title>Contact ViroGen</title>
> >>   </header>
> >>   <body>
> >>     <p class="center"> ../resources/images/about.jpg  </p>
> >>   </body>
> >> </document>
> > 
> > I have no idea sorry. It looks legitimate to me.
> > In fact i added your file to a test site and it
> > does validate correctly here.
> > 
> > Please try a seed-sample site ...
> > cd my-new-directory
> > forrest seed-sample
> > forrest validate-xdocs

This is what i mainly want to know.


> > Then add your file as src/documentation/content/xdocs/irrra-test.xml
> > and try again:
> > forrest validate-xdocs
> > 
> > -David