
I should say: 'Never touch a running system...'
I decided this morning to update my current svn copy of 0.9dev to test
whether there are fixes
within the pdf generation. Now, nothing works anymore :-/

One problem is that my own DTD cannot be found anymore, although it is
proper registered in the
catalog.xcat-file. It seems that forrest cannot find it since it doesn't
look at the correct location...
You can verify this by doing the following steps:

mkdir tmp; cd tmp
forrest seed
cd src/documentation/resources/schema/
cp hello-v10.dtd helloxxx-v10.dtd

now change the file catalog.xcat by replacing hello by helloxxx like this:
 <public publicId="-//Acme//DTD Hello Document V1.0//EN"

next change back to the root of your forrest-dir and change
to reference this new dtd

finally run
forrest -v validate-xdocs

you should get an error that helloxxx-v10.dtd cannot be found.
If not, I am missing something serious.

