> Do you have openejb checked out as well

I only checked out the geronimo trunk from svn. When I do a search of what openejb named files I have checked out I get some directories, a couple of snapshots (core & builder), and some openejb-jar.xml files.

As far as I can tell it looks like wsdl4j-1.4.jar was upgraded to a wsdl4j-1.5.jar but not all the wsdl4j version properties got updated.


David Jencks wrote:

I can't reproduce this on my linux box.... not sure what is going on. Do you have openejb checked out as well (next to modules)? (I do)

david jencks

On Apr 5, 2005, at 5:23 PM, Scott Anderson wrote:

I did a...

maven m:clean
maven m:clean-repo
svn update


File...... /Users/scott/.maven/cache/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.3.1/plugin.jelly
Element... maven:reactor
Line...... 217
Column.... 9
Unable to obtain goal [default] -- /Users/scott/Development/apache/geronimo/modules/assembly/maven.xml: 232:15: <bootstrap:bootstrap> org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.MissingDependencyException: uri wsdl4j/jars/wsdl4j-1.4.jar not found in repository

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