On Apr 13, 2005, at 8:32 AM, Mason, Ross wrote:

I'm trying to deploy a simple ejb app with one SessionBean and one MDB.  The problem is I don't know how to write the openejb-jar.xml file.  I've looked at a few in the openejb source but I'm struggling to see how things fit together.  So far I ahve the following -
1. I'm not entirely sure I have everything in there.
2. for the session bean, I don't know what I should set the jndi-name to?
it is only used for access by non-j2ee clients including corba. You can include as many as you want with whatever names you want. See the openejb itests for examples. If you only use j2ee clients (such as an app-client) you can leave the session out of the openejb plan altogether.
3. should the resource-link on the MDB refer to the RAR config name or some other name?
resource-link will only work if the resource adapter is deployed in the same ear or as a standalone module and if it is sufficient to resolve uniquely. It should be the resourceadapter-name from the ra plan:
<resourceadapter-name>ActiveMQ RA</resourceadapter-name>

if the ejb-jar.xml includes all the correct activation spec info this should be enough configuration.

hope this helps
david jencks


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