
thanks a lot for your help! Ive done it in the end, im just trying to make it work, but i deployed the cmp.

Ive read about it before, but its diferent in Geronimo and it very dificult for me, a begginer, to make things go on without new documentation of geronimo, and also everithing in english, which makes me much difficult to read and understand.

Thats why im asking for more help than anybody else. And by the way say that i will program my own examples and explain everything in a huge documentation, because its not an exam what i have to pass, i have to do a presentation at university of what ive been working on, and its my final proyect of engineering studies. If I had 2 months more, i wouldn ask for help so desperately, because you might not know, but i started with this, reading documenting and working on november. And when i finish the proyect, I will give it for you, all the comunity so you can put it wherever you want as a Geronimo Documentation in spanish, and may be, will be usefull for begginers like me.

Thanks you very very much for your help!!!


I will report when everything works :-)


>From: Gianny Damour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Deployment fail at persistent EJB
>Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 09:30:17 +1000
>Hello Katia,
>Comments follows.
>On 15/04/2005 4:35 AM, Katia Aresti Gonzalez wrote:
>>Here is the stack trace!!!! :-) it was in the geronimo.log!!!! i
>>didnt now anything about this logs, didnt now that the could be so
>>Well, it seems that the openejb-ja.xmlr is correct? The problems is
>>in another part?
>>Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
>>  at
>A guess:  at least one of the getter or setter for the persistent
>fields is not abstract. Hence, could you please provide your CMP
>Bean implementation?
>By the way, have you defined a value for the cmp-version element in
>the ejb-jar.xml file?
>As an aside, let me re-iterate that there are a couple of CMP
>examples in the OpenEJB CVS repo there:
>You will find working examples for OTO, OTM, MTM, simple and complex
>primary keys and bi-directional and uni-directional CMR fields.
>I strongly recommend you to:
>* read some general documentations on CMP. I think that this is the
>first step to have at least a pass for your exam :);
>* have a look to theconfiguration files that I was talking about
>before. Please, do that after having done some prior reading on CMP;
>* have a look to the corresponding CMP bean implementations there
>(also under the OpenEJB CVS repo):
>* finally, deploy your own CMP.
>Good luck.

Coches nuevos, coches de ocasión, coches de Km 0 Si piensas en cambiar de coche, MSN Motor.

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