On Jun 5, 2005, at 5:25 PM, Scott Anderson wrote:

I would be interested in a standard "RSS Syndication/Aggregation Service" getting included with a future Geronimo distribution. In my mind this service would make it easy for developers and content providers to...

1) serve up dynamically generated RSS feeds
2) subscribe to remote feeds with support for filtering and/or combining feeds and then republishing them (XSLT?)
3) manage subscriptions
4) provide statistics on feed usage

I suspect that the Geronimo dev team's response to this request will be something like..."great, why don't you get started on that". Hopefully, others have been thinking along these same lines though. I will be attempting find some time to work on a ROME GBean (https://rome.dev.java.net/) in the short to medium term. I'll be happy to share that code with any interested parties once I have something. No guarantees on when that'll be.

If anyone has suggestions on how to structure this service, how to integrate with it, or what features you think are important, I'd be happy to hear from you here.

Interesting idea. I'm not too familiar with rss other then rss feeds from blogs and new sites. What sort of information do you see Geronimo serving via RSS? I mean I'm sure we could serve general information like blogs, but I'm curious if we could use this for management of some kind or something totally different.

Again cool idea,


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