The assembly module proceses the plans with velocity so any values from can simply be referenced with ${prop} - we use that to substitute in the version numbers.

The packaging plugin does the same thing.

Tom McQueeney wrote:
I'm hoping someone who is less Maven-challenged than I could help with a question about configuring the plan files during the assembly build step.

Last month, some of the server plans in the assembly module were changed to allow variable substitution at build time. I think this was done primarily for the izpack installer, but can we take advantage of these variables when building from source by setting them in an external properties file?

maven.xml in the assembly module sets the "Plan*" values in the "assemble" goal. E.g.

        <j:set var="PlanServerHostname" value="localhost" />
        <j:set var="PlanNamingPort" value="1099" />
        <j:set var="PlanIIOPPort" value="9000" />

I know I can change these Plan values directly in the maven.xml, but is there an easy way to override these values with a kind of file? I figure one way to get Maven to use the file would be to wrap each of the above jelly j:set instructions in an "if" to check whether the var already had a value, but is there an easier Maven way of doing things?

Thanks for any pointers.


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