The Problem is solved!!!   Thank you all.

After I sent my last append I looked with task manager and noticed a rouge java.exe and javaw.exe. Assuming these were Geronimo from an earlier failed build I blew them away and then ran the build again but without the "no test" options. The build said it failed but it looked like it was only because of the tests ... so I ran one final build with no test to ensure that everything fundamental build itself worked and it was successful.

Jacek ... it's water under the bridge now, but I did answer your questions below just in case you were curious. Thanks for your help!

Jacek Laskowski wrote:

Joe Bohn wrote:

Now it looks like I'm having problems with OpenEJB and ActiveMQ: I'm getting this:

    Attempting to download activemq-ra-3.1-SNAPSHOT.rar.
    Error retrieving artifact from
    emq-ra-3.1-SNAPSHOT.rar]: Connection
    timed out: conne

This is because your connection to iBiblio timed out. It doesn't apply to Geronimo in any way other than that without it it's impossible to build Geronimo. So, open the browser of your choice and visit the site. If it works, run maven again. Make sure you don't use any proxy server as Maven would be required to be configured with it, too.

I could get to the site and it did work on a subsequent attempt ... it must have been some network fluke. I don't use a proxy server.

I also get the same message for "openejb-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" and "openejb-builder-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar."

See above.

So looking thru earlier appends about failed builds and openEJB. When I ran "maven m:co" it says it was successful but the messages don't give me a warm fuzzy

        [cvs] cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /home/bohn/.cvspass
    for reading:
     No such file or directory
        [cvs] cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /home/bohn/.cvspass
    for reading:
     No such file or directory
        [cvs] cvs checkout: warning: failed to open /home/bohn/.cvspass
    for reading:
     No such file or directory

It looks as if the cvs error msgs don't make the build fail. Do you use cygwin? Can you run cvs in the command line. I may be mistaken, but I've read that the cvspass file needs to be created the first time CVS is executed. See a cvs manual.

I do use cygwin and cvs does work directly from the command line. I checked and I don't have a .cvspass file created. It looks like this is a password file but I don't recall setting up an id/password when installing CVS. Perhaps I'm connecting as a guest so long as I just check-out and don't check in code?

I then ran "maven m:rebuild-all" as Aaron recommended

Well, I don't see why it could help having seen the above cvs errors? How did you get the sources then?

I was running on desperation and hoping that the cvs messages were a red herring and the build really was successful. :-) I think I must have retrieved the source on a previous failed built that for some reason didn't encounter the same error.

and I received this failure:

    File...... C:\cygwin\home\bohn\geronimo\maven.xml
    Element... ant:delete
    Line...... 132
    Column.... 52
    Unable to delete file

I'm not sure why it can't delete the server jar ... it isn't protected. Is it possible that I have some daemon or service version of Geronimo already running? How would I terminate it? Any other ideas?

The file is probably locked by a running instance of Geronimo. Use task manager to kill all of the running java processes.

As I mentioned above I did find these rouge processes and killed them resolving this problem.


Joe Bohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." -- Jim Elliot

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