Krish (sent by wrote:

I want to set an external directory thats part of classpath in
geronimo. Is it possible to do this?

I have some config properties that i want outside my web application.
Hence i am storing it in a directory under /myconfig. I want to
access this directory without hardcoding in my app.

We try to isolate applications from wierd things in the environment so the server ignores the value of the CLASSPATH environment variable.

Geronimo deployment plans support the concept of dependencies which can be resolved from a Repository or using absolution URLs. We commonly use this to add jar files into applications rather than messing with the manifest classpath like the spec says.

You can reference something in the repository using a dependency element in your deployment plan, something like


This relative URI will get resolved by the Repository somehow; the default implementation will resolve it against the ${geronimo.base.dir}/repository/ directory where the base dir is where you installed Geronimo.

You can also use absolute URIs. For example,

will add /myconfig/ directory to the application's classpath.

Hope that helps

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