ActiveMQ doesn't use HOWL. Hiram wrote a transaction log customized and tuned for the access patterns of JMS.

Hiram, we have been having a discussion about how the Geronimo disk footprint grows by 40MB when started up. Can you give Dave, Bruce and myself some insight on why the logs are the size they are, how much they can grow, and what attributes are available to configure this?



On Aug 18, 2005, at 8:21 AM, Bruce Snyder wrote:

On 8/18/05, Dave Colasurdo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmmm.. The only entries in j2ee-server-plan.xml that seems relevant is
the HOWLTransactionLog gbean and it specifies the file
var/txlog/howl*.log.   Changing/distributing the changed properties
associated with this gBean either have no effect on the
var/activemq/journal/log*.dat or cause the server startup to fail...

However, in the plan system-activemq-plan.xml.. I found the following
gbean for the journal that seems to define the journal directory though have found no properties to control the size of the log-000*.dat file.

<gbean name="ActiveMQ.journal"
         <!--TODO change to ServerInfo -->
name="serverInfo"><module>org/apache/geronimo/System</ module><type>GBean</type><name>ServerInfo</name></reference>
         <attribute name="directory">var/activemq/journal</attribute>
         <attribute name="journalType">default</attribute>
name="longTermPersistence"><gbean- name>geronimo.server:j2eeType=JMSPersistence,name=ActiveMQ.jdbc,*</ gbean-name></reference>


That's to configure ActiveMQ's use of HOWL. Are you referring to log
files in the modules/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/var/ activemq/journal/log-000.dat
directory named log-00*.dat? If so, then we'll need to consult Hiram
or James about how ActiveMQ uses HOWL and why the journal's are of
this size.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F)R=6-E+G-N>61E<D\! G;6%I;\"YC;VT*"

The Castor Project

Apache Geronimo

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