
My experience with persistance in webapps has been with using databases.
I recently ran into a JSP based Wiki that uses flat files (most likely
in the working directory) to persist data.

Now I remember that back at my old company we used Tomcat for a
project and it would let you add files to the working directory that
would persist between runs.
When you used JBoss, it wouldn't (and I reasoned that it's fair from a
security point of view)
So I'm kind of asking how Geronimo handles this and what is the best
way of persisting if you insist on flat files.



On 10/24/05, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 23, 2005, at 1:16 PM, Barry van Someren wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > The deploy instructions show how to deploy WAR's only deals with
> > packed WAR's.
> > Can you also deploy exploded WAR's in Geronimo (just like you can do
> > with Tomcat)?
> I think so.  Note that any war or ear with a war inside will get
> unpacked into the config-store.  I think if you modify jsps or static
> content there the changes will get picked up.
> We've had a plan for a while to make it possible to deploy a war so
> that jsps and static content are picked up from the original source
> location rather than a deployed copy.  This would let you work on your
> jsps in your IDE in the location your SCM system knows about yet see
> the changes immediately.  I'm not sure if anyone has had the time to
> expose this functionality yet.  I would think this would be more useful
> than an "unpacked war" deploy feature.
> > And what about creating flat files? (writing in the deployed/work
> > directory)
> Could you explain what you have in mind here in more detail?
> > I'm trying out some open source projects to see how well they work
> > under Geronimo (to add to the samples matrix)
> Great!
> > I'm only learning here, sorry ;-)
> Well, hopefully I'm learning here too :-)
> thanks
> david jencks
> >
> > Greets,
> >
> > Barry
> >

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